SunExpress flying with pets

Are animals accepted on SunExpress flights?

Animals are accepted on SunExpress flights, except flights to/from the United Kingdom, Ireland, Malta, and Sweden. You should make the special booking for animal transportation no later than 3 working days before departure. Import and customs documents, vaccinations and veterinary health certificates, etc., are all the responsibility of the passenger.

How can I travel with my pet on SunExpress flights?

A dog or cat weighing up to 8 kg (including container) may be transported in the passenger cabin (PETC). The size of the container (ventilated and waterproof) must not exceed the maximum dimensions for hand baggage of 55 x 40 x 23 cm. Only one pet per passenger is permitted, and SunExpress will charge a fee of:

  • €30 for one-way international flights and €60 for return international flights.
  • 60 TL for one-way domestic flights and 40 TL for the transport of budgerigars (only accepted on domestic flights).

Dogs (except fighting dogs) and cats weighing more than 8 kg (including container) must be transported in the hold. For animal transportation in the hold (AVIH), SunExpress will charge a fee of:

  • €75 euro for one-way international flights and €150 for return international flights.
  • 160 TL for one-way domestic flights

Guide Dogs

Certified Guide Dogs are transported for free, in the passenger cabin (lying on the floor at the passenger’s feet) or as checked baggage (in a cage in the cargo hold). SunExpress recommends that you make a reservation for the transportation of your Guide Dog at least 48 hours before your flight (maximum 2 Guide Dogs are accepted in the cabin) and to use dog muzzle during your flight.

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