Brussels Airlines check-in

What check-in options are available to check in for Brussels Airlines flights?

Passengers can check themselves in and leave the queues behind by using one of the following check-in options:

  • Automated Check-in
  • Online Check-in.
  • Mobile Check-in.
  • Express Check-in.

If you have a confirmed booking for a return flight within 24 hours, you can check in for both outbound and return flight at the same time.

Only in Africa, the City Check-in option allows passengers to check in at one of Brussels Airlines’ city offices to avoid queues at the airport. This option is available in Kinshasa, Kigali, and Monrovia.

What are the check-in deadlines for Brussels Airlines flights?

For Brussels Airlines flights departing from Brussels Airport, the check-in deadlines depend on the route and the fare purchased:

 Route (from Brussels Airport) Fare/ClassCheck-in DeadlineBaggage Drop-off Points
Closing Time
 Short-haul (Europe) All fares70 minutes40 minutes
 Medium-haul (the UK, Armenia, Russia,
 Israel, Morocco, Egypt, Cape Verde, Tunisia)
 Check&Go, Light&Relax 50 minutes40 minutes
 Flex&Fast, Bizz&Class40 minutes
 Long-haul (the US, Canada, Africa, Asia) Economy70 minutes60 minutes
 Business60 minutes


Self-service baggage drop-off units are available at Brussels Airport for passengers who have used a self-check-in option and travel with checked baggage. Passengers with self-printed or mobile boarding passes will be able to use the automated baggage check-in units and avoid queuing at the check-in desk.

For flights from Berlin, the check-in deadline is 90 minutes prior to departure. For the check-in deadlines at other airports, you should refer to your E-ticket.

Passengers requiring special assistance are recommended to be at the airport at least 60 minutes prior to the check-in deadline indicated on the ticket.

Automated Check-in

You can register for Automated Check-in service via the Service Centre or your travel agent, and Brussels Airlines will check you in for your flight and send your boarding pass 24 hours before departure. You can choose to receive your boarding pass as a PDF file by e-mail or as a Mobile Boarding Pass via e-mail or SMS link.

If you haven’t already chosen a seat, one will be assigned to you, but you can simply click on the seat number on your boarding pass, and you choose a new one online or via mobile. When traveling to the UK, China, Canada, or the US, Additional Passenger Information (API) is required which you must provide when you book your flight. In case the API data is missing from your booking, Automated Check-in will not be possible, and you will receive a notification instead.

Online Check-in

Online Check-in, available as from 24 hours up to 1 hour before departure, allows passengers to choose their seat on the plane and print the boarding pass at home. Online Check-in is available for all Brussels Airlines flights, except flights departing from Bastia, Ibiza, and Olbia.

For flights from Moscow, Marrakesh, and Mumbai, you need a hard copy of the boarding pass, so you need to make sure to print your boarding pass before coming to the airport.

Mobile Check-in

Mobile Check-in is available via the Brussels Airlines app or from 24 hours up to 1 hour before departure, for all Brussels Airlines flights, except flights departing from Enfidha, Dubrovnik, Ohrid, Split, Tivat, and Zadar.

With Mobile Check-in, you can choose your seat on the plane and receive your boarding pass on your phone as a 2D barcode, either in your email inbox or by SMS. It is recommended to save this barcode in your mobile phone, so you won’t need to connect to the internet again. On your iPhone, you can send your boarding pass to the Passbook app.

Mobile Check-in is still possible even if the airport of departure is not equipped with a mobile boarding pass scanning system. In this case, because you won’t be able to scan the mobile boarding pass, you need to present yourself at the check-in counter or the baggage drop-off point to have your boarding pass reprinted.

For passengers traveling to the UK, China, Canada or the US, it is mandatory to fill in the Advanced Passenger Information (API). If this step is skipped, passengers will only receive a receipt, not a boarding pass and will need to go to a check-in counter at the airport in order to complete the check-in process.

Express Check-in

Express Check-in machines are available at Brussels Airport for all European flights operated by Brussels Airlines. Passengers traveling with a Check&Go or b.light economy ticket are requested to check in at the self-service machines located in the departure hall. Passengers traveling with checked baggage must proceed to the baggage drop off counter afterward.

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